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“I have known guilt, obligation and relationship insecurity. In the past, it had flavored poisoned my relationships and life, for decades. But, I figured out where it came from…when it entered my life and I have healed and integrated it. I also know what it feels like to be out-of-balance “energetically”…meaning, not activated or directed by healthy, masculine/feminine energy.

I now help others to activate and realize their ultimate human potential, heal and elevate their relationships, balance and activate their feminine energy (usually with women) or masculine energy (usually with men). This tends to positively impact their entire lives by restoring peace, balance and authenticity. This is known as Self-Mastery.”

This is Daniel’s kuleana or dharma (sacred responsibility) with you.  Daniel brings something truly unique in his coaching (Awareness – Enlightenment – Embodiment) and breathwork. He consistently uncovers deeper truths and profound realizations in his sessions. Daniel is the coach that gets called in for the “tough ones” or the clients that “normal” coaching/therapy isn’t going to be enough.


Daniel is unconventional and highly effective. Over the 15 years of coaching and shamanic healing, Daniel has cultivated the ability to tap into a unique perspective and intuition which provides his clients with insights that can profoundly shift.

Daniel’s amazing clients come from all walks of life and levels of society…front-line workers, service people, doctors, healers, cancer patients, therapists, psychiatrists, sensitives, psychics, LGBTQ, CEOs, models, fighters, millionaires and billionaires. There are some things in common with these people that have chosen to work with him.

daniel posney at grand canyon with logo.jpg
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